UPDATE: Israeli settlers poison Palestinian crops and uproot olive trees in At-Tuwani

marzo 6, 2017 at 6:03 pm

Palestinian crops poisoned by Israeli settlers

Israeli policeman with the Palestinian owner of the land

(Italian follows)

In the morning of March 5, a Palestinian farmer found part of his cultivated land poisoned by Israeli settlers, who also uprooted 15 olive trees planted in the last months. The poisoned crop is located between At-Tuwani Palestinian village and Ma’on Israeli settlement.

This kind of damages, implemented by Israeli forces and settlers, are part of an organized strategy for dispossessing Palestinians from their land.

The Palestinian owner of the land complained to the Israeli Police that reached the spot with the Israeli Civil Administration, but he will face the legal reality of the Israeli occupation: as reported by Yeshdin Israeli organization the 85% of investigation into ideologically motivated offenses against Palestinians are closed due to Israeli Police failure. Only the 1,9% of complaints filed by Palestinians result in conviction.

In the last week Israeli settlers damaged also a Palestinian well in Magayr Al Abeed village.

Palestinians sitting on the poisoned land with Israeli Police and DCO officers

Palestinian land where Israeli settlers uprooted 15 olive trees

Coloni israeliani avvelenano campi coltivati e sradicano ulivi palestinesi in At-Tuwani

La mattina del 5 marzo, un contadino palestinese ha trovato parte dei suoi campi avvelenati dai coloni israeliani. Gli stessi hanno anche sradicato 15 ulivi, piantati negli ultimi mesi. Le coltivazioni avvelenate si trovano tra il villaggio Palestinese di At-Tuwani e la colonia israeliana di Ma’on.

Questo tipo di danni, provocati dalle forze israeliane e dai coloni, sono parte di una strategia per espropriare I palestinesi dalle loro terre.

Il proprietario palestinese dei campi ha sporto denuncia alla polizia israeliana, che si è recata sul luogo insieme all’amministrazione civile, ma si troverà a dover affrontare la realtà giuridica dell’occupazione israeliana: come riportato dall’organizzazione israeliana Yeshdin, l’85% delle indagini relative a reati ideologicamente motivati contro i palestinesi sono chiuse a causa del fallimento delle indagini della polizia israeliana. Solo il 1,9% delle denunce presentate dai palestinesi porta a una sentenza di condanna.

Nell’ultima settimana i coloni israeliani hanno danneggiato anche un pozzo, nel villaggio palestinese di Magayr Al Abeed.

UPDATE: Israeli forces raid At Tuwani after women and children’s nonviolent action

febbraio 12, 2017 at 2:03 pm


(italian follows)

This Saturday morning residents of the Palestinian village of At Tuwani were grazing sheep and enjoying a day of outdoor picnics when Israeli soldiers entered the village en masse, turning the peaceful village into a military theatre. The raid appeared to be part of the price paid by residents for their nonviolent resistance to settler violence in the South Hebron Hills:  twice in recent weeks Palestinians have gathered to peacefully plant olive trees on Palestinian land on the outskirts of the village, near the illegal Israeli outpost of Havat Ma’on.

On the morning of February 11 more than a dozen Israeli soldiers entered the village in military vehicles. The heavily armed soldiers forced their way into houses and courtyards and began questioning the inhabitants, demanding to see all of their children between the ages of 13 and 18. They ordered Palestinians who asked for an explanation for the raid to show their ID’s, and forced several young men to spread their arms against buildings and cars while soldiers searched their bodies and clothing at gunpoint. The soldiers showed no official orders for the raid, but moved from house to house throughout the morning, questioning men and women, terrifying the children, and violating the human rights of the Palestinian residents of At Tuwani. Soldiers also demanded to see the passports of Operation Dove volunteers who were filming the raid.

Saturday’s military invasion was the second time in ten days that Israeli soldiers have completely disrupted work and life in the village of At Tuwani, and it will likely not be the last.  Before leaving the village this Saturday the soldiers threatened to return in the night.


UPDATE: Esercito israeliano irrompe ad At Tuwani dopo azione non violenta di donne e bambini palestinesi.

Un nuovo raid militare israeliano ha occupato le strade del villaggio palestinese di At Tuwani, trasformando un normale sabato in un teatro militare: una probabile ritorsione per le azioni non violente che da giorni animano le colline a Sud di Hebron. La mattina dell’ 11 febbraio decine di soldati sono entrati ad At Tuwani, invadendo numerose case e perquisendo gli abitanti palestinesi senza mostrare ordini ufficiali. I militari hanno bussato alla porta di molte abitazioni, dicendo di essere alla ricerca di ragazzini di eta’ compresa tra i 13 e i 18 anni. Nel frattempo sono stati identificati gli uomini e allontanati, armi alla mano, chi poneva troppe domande. Stesso trattamento riservato ai volontari di Operazione Colomba ai quali inoltre non è stata data alcuna spiegazione sui motivi del raid e più volte sono stati minacciati ed invitati ad andarsene. Ma a farne le spese sono stati gli abitanti di At Tuwani, villaggio invaso da jeep e mezzi blindati delle forze israeliane, per la seconda volta in dieci giorni.

Attaccati ancora una volta nella loro quotidianità. Molti ragazzi sono stati fermati, girati con le mani al muro e perquisiti da un soldato, mentre un collega riprendeva e un altro ancora puntava loro il mitra addosso. Tutta la mattinata è stata segnata da un via vai di mezzi militari e incursioni violente che hanno portato le forze israeliane a violare nuovamente  la dignità e i diritti degli abitanti di At-Tuwani. Prima di lasciare il villaggio i soldati hanno inoltre minacciato le famiglie di tornare, questa volta nel buio della notte.



UPDATE : The closure of Hebron and Yatta.

novembre 22, 2015 at 5:56 pm

(italian follows)


On November 22, Operation Dove volunteers and a B’Tselem operator documented the closure of all the access roads to Al-Khalil (Hebron) except for the one of Beit Ummar.

Israeli army has also placed hundreds of physical obstacles in the form of concrete blocks, piles or dirt,  spike strips and trenches, which prevent access to and from Al Khalil (Hebron) where live around 200.000 Palestinians.

Movement restrictions were imposed again (link) as a collective punishment after four Israelis were killed in two separate attacks on both sides of the Green Line thursday afternoon.

This closure policy constitute the most severe restriction on movement of Palestinians living in this area. Despite freedom of movement is an inalienable human right, Israeli forces policy aims to deny it to Palestinians.


UPDATE: La chiusura di Hebron e Yatta

Il 22 novembre volontari di Operazione Colomba e un operatore di B’Tselem hanno documentato la chiusura di tutte le strade di accesso ad Hebron tranne quella che passa da Beit Ummar.

L’esercito israeliano ha inoltre collocato centinaia di ostacoli fisici come blocchi di cemento, mucchi di materiale di scarto e strisce chiodate che impediscono l’accesso da e per Hebron.

Le restrizioni di movimento sono state imposte un’altra volta ( link ) come punizione collettiva, dopoché che quattro israeliani sono morti (due a Tel Aviv e due nei Territori palestinesi Occupati) giovedì pomeriggio.

Questa politica di chiusura costituisce la più severa restrizione di movimento per i palestinesi che vivono in quest’area. Nonostante la libertà di movimento sia un diritto umano inalienabile, le forze israeliane stanno puntando a negarlo ai palestinesi.


UPDATE : Israeli army demolished a well and two cow shelters near Hebron.

novembre 12, 2015 at 4:17 pm

(italian follows)

Today, November 12th, Operation Dove volunteers reported demolitions in Al Kalil il Sharaboti. Israeli Army, DCO (District Coordination office) and Border Police demolished 3 structures: a well and two cow shelters.


These kind of demolitions badly affects the Palestinian economy, leaving farmers without any income and pushing their communities out of Area C.


UPDATE : Esercito israeliano demolisce un pozzo e due allevamenti per bovini vicino a Hebron.

Oggi, 12 novembre i volontari di Operazione Colomba hanno documentato demolizioni in Al Kalil il Sharaboti. L’amministrazione israeliana dei Territori insieme all’esercito hanno demolito un pozzo e due allevamenti per bovini.


Queste demolizioni danneggiano gravemente l’economia palestinese, lasciando gli allevatori senza redditi e forzando le loro comunità a spostarsi fuori dall’area C.

UPDATE : Walking in Hebron Old City

novembre 11, 2015 at 6:06 pm

(italian follows)


On November 11, Operation Dove volunteers went to Hebron’s Old City in order to monitor the area and to bring solidarity and support to the people who suffer daily from the Israeli closure policy of the Old City and settlers violence.

Since October 1, 23 Palestinians were killed in Hebron, most of them without representing any kind of threat. In many cases, soldiers shot to unarmed people only because the soldiers thought they were suspects, without any proof and from far away.

Operation Dove volunteers documented the closures (especially Tel Rumeida and Al-Shuhada street) that prevent Palestinian’s freedom of movement. They also taped some young settlers during a training with guns on a roof in the middle of the Old City.


UPDATE : Camminando per la città vecchia di Hebron

L’11 novembre i volontari di Operazione Colomba sono stati nella città vecchia di Hebron per monitorare l’area e per portare il proprio supporto e solidarietà alle persone che giornalmente soffrono a causa della politica israeliana di chiusura del centro città abbinata alla violenza dei coloni.

Dal primo di ottobre 23 palestinesi sono stati ammazzati a Hebron, molti dei quali non rappresentavano nessuna minaccia: i soldati israeliani hanno spesso sparato a persone disarmate, solamente perché sospette.

I volontari di Operazione Colomba ha documentato la chiusura che riguarda specialmente Tel Rumeida e Al-Shuhada Street e che impedisce la libertà di movimento per i Palestinesi. I volontari hanno inoltre registrato dei coloni mentre si addestravano su un tetto all’uso delle armi nel cuore della città vecchia.


Harvesting in Nablus area

novembre 3, 2015 at 5:31 pm

(italian follows)

On October 30, several Palestinians accompanied by some international volunteers harvested olives trees near the israeli illegal outpost of Bracha. Abu Suleyman, the head of the family, had to ask the Israeli District Coordination Committee (DCO) for permission to harvest his piece of land. As a result, Abu Suleyman got a 2 days permit to harvest his 100 owned olive (a family of 8 members can harvest an average of 5 trees per day). Despite the agreement, Israeli soldiers on site dictated a time limit to 2 pm but, at around 1 pm, they showed up again to order to Palestinians to finish their work quickly and to leave in 10 min.


Olive harvest is vital for the economic survival of countless Palestinian families and has become a political statement of resistance for Palestinians who don’t intend to leave their land.


Raccogliendo nella zona di Nablus

Il 30 ottobre diversi palestinesi e volontari internazionali hanno raccolto le olive nelle vicinanze dell’avamposto illegale di Bracha. Il proprietario, Abu Suleyman ha dovuto ottenere un permesso dall’amministrazione civile israeliana per raccogliere sul proprio campo. Come risultato ha ottenuto un permesso di due giorni per raccogliere dai suoi 100 alberi (in media un famiglia di 8 membri riesce a raccogliere da circa 5 piante al giorno). nonostante l’accordo concesso, i soldati sul posto hanno dato un limite orario massimo fino alle ore 14:00 , per poi ripresentarsi alle 13:00 ordinando ai palestinesi di finire in fretta e lasciare l’area in 10 minuti.


Il raccolto delle olive è vitale per il sostentamento economico di numerose famiglie palestinesi. E’ inoltre una rivendicazione politica di resistenza all’occupazione, perché dimostra la volontà dei palestinesi di rimanere sulle proprie terre.


Settlers from Havat Ma’on illegal outpost attempted to attack Palestinans and Internationals

ottobre 25, 2015 at 1:58 pm

(italian follows)

P1020247 copiaOn October 24, Israeli settlers ambushed 2 Operation Dove volunteers who were accompanying a 20 years old Palestinian girl and her little brother. At around 12 pm, 3 masked adult settlers came out from Havat Ma’on outpost armed with sticks and they started yelling while running towards them in order to beat the girl and the children. Despite the attack, Palestinians reached Tuba village4safely escaping through a longer path.

P1020248 copia

UPDATE : Coloni dell’avamposto illegale di Havat Ma’on tentano di attaccare palestinesi e internazionali 

Il giorno 24 ottobre, mentre due volontari di Operazione Colomba stavano accompagnando una ragazza palestinese (20 anni) con il suo piccolo fratellino, sono stati attaccati nella valle di Shab el Shamsti da dei coloni israeliani. Attorno alle 12.00 infatti 3 coloni adulti sono usciti dall’avamposto illegale di Havat Ma’on mascherati e armati di bastoni, correndo verso i palestinesi e gli internazionali con l’intento di attaccarli. Nonostante l’attacco la ragazza con suo fratello sono riusciti a mettersi al sicuro e raggiungere il villaggio di Tuba, scappando per una strada molto più lunga.

Israel’s Defamation of Judaism: The Rape of the Palestinian People

ottobre 20, 2015 at 8:27 am

By Norman Pollack

October 19, 2015 

SJPIsrael has come a long way since 1967 in the construction of an apartheid state and society with respect to the Palestinians, in truth, the proto-Nazification of policy and conduct in which the gas chamber has been replaced by the more protracted denial of life to the victims of an ethnocentric/racial ideology achieved through the degradation of a whole people: a faucet of inhumanity left running, where genocide is administered in drips rather than in a torrent. But even the latter holds, as now, as the misery and hopelessness sinks into the consciousness of the oppressed, almost as a conscious strategy of still more acute humiliation in the hope that signs of resistance will give pretext and excuse for a show of force and further clamping down.

The bombardment of Gaza last summer, a replay of Guernica as a lengthier exercise in domination, artillery replacing the dive bomber, was merely an example of the stored-up hatred and contempt Israelis displayed toward the Palestinians, a twisted mindset crossing the line from punitiveness to outright psychosis as though squashing an ant hill. Israelis do not concede the humanity of their victims, and perhaps do not even see them as victims but mere objects to be pushed around and, as a useful object lesson to them, swept aside, their houses bulldozed, their land taken away, the science of humiliation raised to a fine art. I turn now to the New York Times article by Jodi Rudoren, “East Jerusalem, Bubbling Over With Despair,” Oct. 18, a more sympathetic account of the Palestinians’ plight than is the wont of The Times,

and therefore to be taken seriously given the usual partiality of the paper.

This, remember, is only now, and not a summary of the decades of oppression which provide context for the events of today. She writes: “East Jerusalem, long the emotional heart of Palestinian life, is now the fiery soul of its discontent.” The recent stabbing attacks—which in my heart I cannot condemn so much as recognize as the desperation of youth otherwise powerless, without dignity or opportunity, they and their parents denied an honorable identity, and hence striking out in any way they can—originated “from within the city’s borders,” an area which also finds, for example, “Fuad Hamed, a successful businessman who condemns the wave of violence but shares the frustration and alienation underlying this new uprising.” Well stated, and I guess what I meant above is that Israelis share in the crimes with equal blood on their hands. Youths do not take knife in hand unless under severest provocation, knowing they will be killed instantly and retaliation taken on their parents. To Israelis, however, they are animals, nothing more, as a way of shielding from the Israeli mind, as a gigantic defense mechanism, the barbarism practiced.

(The scene, not in Rudoren’s account: a knife-wielding teenager, shot multiple times, lying dead on the pavement; a crowd gathers, chanting, “Son of a whore,” “Son of a whore.”)

We see the situation through the eyes of Abu Hamed, hardly an extremist. At 44, he lectures at Hebrew University, “runs two clinics in Israel’s health system, and lives on a comfortable home among Sur Baher’s [a neighborhood of 18,000] tangle of crowded hills.” From his balcony he sees “sprawling Jewish enclaves that he said were ‘built on our lands,’ and the ugly barrier Israel erected that splits Sur Baher from the occupied West Bank.” (Rudoren has the grace to use the word “occupied.”) Hamed takes in more: “These days, he can also see the Israeli soldiers who have blocked two of the neighborhood’s exits and set up a checkpoint to search cars [and people, a photo showing a man raising his shirt before a soldier, rifle in hand] at the third, making the city’s psychic division all the more concrete.” This, a well-to-do section of Jerusalem, not like the poverty found in the Old City and elsewhere. Hamed: “’You have a lot of evidence that you are not a human being.’”

He continues: “’The problem is the policy, because all the time as a Palestinian here you feel that they want to take you out of the city, you have a lot of problems that do not allow you to feel that you are part of the city. IT’S KILLING FROM INSIDE ALL THE TIME.’” (emphasis added) This is a form of genocide practiced internally, and reminds me—“they do not allow you to feel that you are part of the city”—of the system of segregation I witnessed and was repulsed by, growing up in the American South. Rudoren, in highlighting the feelings on both sides, raises the point that Jerusalem’s Palestinians feel “like the neglected stepchildren of both City Hall and the Palestinian Authority, which is headquartered in the West Bank and is barred from operating in Jerusalem. They do not feel wanted here, or part of what is happening there.” An enforced separation, yet frustration, one also surmises, because of Ramallah’s lackluster militancy and lack of leadership.

Rudoren explains further: “Civic and cultural institutions decamped years ago for the West Bank city of Ramallah. In Arab East Jerusalem, there are too few classrooms, and too many dropouts. It is difficult to get a permit to expand a home; 98 illegal structures were demolished last year. Three-quarters of the population lives below Israel’s poverty line.” This last is the clincher, and can be multiplied throughout the territories, from the squalor of living conditions to the blockade preventing medicines from reaching Gaza. City residency permits local travel for Palestinians, yet that only reveals to them the heightened contrast in lifestyle between themselves and Israelis. In the words of Sari Nusseibeh, a past president of Al Quds University: “’On the one hand, yes, you have open access to Israeli society—on the other hand you also have more knowledge about the discrimination that’s being practiced against you. Major issues that you identify with as a Palestinian and a Muslim, your dignity and self-respect, your position, your role, these are in total and constant conflict.’”

The upshot? Rudoren readily admits that the recent stabbings “that have killed seven Israeli Jews, five of them in Jerusalem, since Oct. 1,” as well as “at least 16 suspected assailants … shot dead by Israelis … along with more than 20 other Palestinians in clashes with security forces,” have a longer-term causation. At the very least, “East Jerusalem has been a hotbed since July 2014, when Jewish extremists kidnapped and murdered [i.e., burned him alive] Muhammad Abu Khdeir, a 16-year-old from the Shufat neighborhood.” Following that, there were approximately 1,600 stone-throwing incidents over the next three months and 700 arrested. This year, Sept. 13-Oct 15, 380 were detained, “171 of them minors.” The account does not relate the armed response, including the use of live ammunition.

Some background: “Arab East Jerusalem is not a single place but a series of some two dozen disparate satellites.” Hamed’s neighborhood is better off; many are overcrowded, poverty-ridden, somewhat isolated. How did it get this way? Rudoren’s discussion is forthright: “Israel captured it all from Jordan in the 1967 war, and expanded Jerusalem’s boundaries to 27 square miles from 2.3. Israel’s annexation was rejected by the United Nations, and most of the world considers the territory occupied.” She adds, “Today, 200,000 Jews live beyond Israel’s original border, most in new developments—widely considered illegal settlements—like those Mr. Abu Hamed can see from his balcony, 2,000 scattered among the Palestinian enclaves.”

To all intents and purposes, Jerusalem personifies apartheid, Hamed’s own neighborhood each day having a “line of cars at the lone remaining exit … stretched for hundreds of yards,” and, as an example, “Moussa Dabash, 44, who runs a tour-bus company, said he was searched under his shirt and between his legs.” This is a microcosm of the imposed dependence and humiliation: “’If I say a word, they’ll accuse me of trying to stab them,’ he said. The soldier who searched me, I told him, ‘Why are you doing this?’ He said, ‘Because you are terrorists.’” Hamed, also delayed, related that “a couple and their two children died in a fire last year …. because engines are dispatched to Sur Baher from another Palestinian neighborhood rather than from the closer Jewish ones.”

That is not the Judaism I grew up with and was raised in, inceptively small “d” democratic in every respect, particularly on issues of race and poverty. As Jews, we knew discrimination and could more readily empathize with those also discriminated against, blacks, those in poverty, other minorities, labor in general, all the while rising above the grubbiness and intolerance of an America, already in the 1940s from the standpoint of my personal experience, saturated in conspicuous consumption, xenophobia, antiradical, rising above—even if an escape—to beauty and excellence in everything from human intelligence to sports to aesthetics, participation in the universality of creativity in whatever form it took. This did not have to be an exclusively Jewish trait, and indeed it was the very spirit of cosmopolitanism that gave it energy and a certain sublimity, and freed it from chauvinistic dogmatism. Jews, whether observant or secular, identified with the common man, using the term unself-consciously, just as in the 1940s, and before my adolescence, in the 1930s, antifascist. That is the Judaism Israel has defamed, I might even say, desecrated, so that rape of the Palestinians, as in the title, refers not just to their bodies, but their identity of personhood, their being, that has been violated.

My New York Times Comment on the Rudoren article, same date, follows:

As a Jew, I am deeply ashamed of Israel and its treatment of the Palestinians. Israel is a horrible corruption of Judaism, a world religion identified before the 1960s with a deeply penetrating HUMANISM that was reflected in knowledge, observance, music, the arts in general, scientific learning and mathematics, and liberal politics. Now, so much of that rich heritage is gone, insulted by the actions, condescension, ethos of contemporary Israel, and infecting all of world Jewry.

Israelis have shown themselves beyond cruelty, an internalization of the very darkness that resulted in the Holocaust, only now it is the Palestinians of today who are the Jews of yesterday and the Israelis of today who show the arrogance of those who formerly persecuted the Jews. Israelis gleefully show their muscle at every turn, delighting in the humiliation of the Palestinians and not realizing how this not only violates the teachings of Torah but reveals the inner evil and psychological rot of those who dominate.

How sticks and stones, even knives, can be taken as other than marks of desperation, as meanwhile Israeli security forces have the latest, most lethal weapons, and are prepared to use them as a reflex action, shows the gross imbalance of force. How did it come to this? As a youth growing up in the 1940s-50s I saw Israel as the paragon of democratic socialism (even then I was unaware of the the start of ethnic cleansing and contempt for the Palestinians). Far worse today.

Norman Pollack has written on Populism. His interests are social theory and the structural analysis of capitalism and fascism.

UPDATE : Clashes in Southern Hebron Hills, after the killing of Palestinian teenager.

ottobre 8, 2015 at 12:36 pm


(italian follows)

On October 7, after Israeli forces killed one Palestinian boy (from Yatta city, aged 17) who tried to stab a soldier in Kiryat Gat (according with Israeli Police sources) , clashes took place in many place of the Southern West Bank.


At Around 03:15 p.m. clashes erupted at the entrance of At Tuwani village. After demonstrators burned some tires, Israeli forces arrived in order to repress the gathering. Clashes continued up to the Palestinian village of Al Birkeh, where Israeli settlers had a trip last week. During the clashes an armed settler run towards Palestinian, in order to attack them. No persons wounded to report.


At around 5:00 p.m. Israeli forces tried to enter the city of Yatta (area A) in order to demolish the house of the boy killed as collective punishment, but they were prevented to reach the house by the Palestinian population. Inhabitants of Yatta blocked all the accesses to the city with roadblocks.



UPDATE : Scontri nel sud della Cisgiordania, dopo l’uccisione di un giovane palestinese di Yatta

Mercoledì 7 ottobre , dopo l’uccisione da parte delle forze israeliane di un palestinese ventunenne di Yatta a Kiryat Gat (che secondo fonti della polizia israeliana avrebbe tentato di accoltellare un soldato), diversi scontri tra palestinesi e esercito israeliano sono avvenuti nel sud della Cisgiordania.


Attorno alle 15:15 sono iniziati degli scontri all’entrata del villaggio di At Tuwani. In seguito all’incendio di alcune ruote da parte di manifestanti palestinesi, le forze israeliane sono arrivate per reprimere la protesta. Gli scontri sono poi continuati sino al villaggio palestinese di Al Birkeh, in cui, la scorsa settimana c’era stato un attacco da parte di coloni israeliani. Durante gli scontri anche un colono armato ha rincorso i dimostranti, con l’intento di attaccarli. Non sono stati riportati feriti.


Attorno alle 17:00 le forze israeliane hanno tentato di entrare a Yatta (area A) per demolire l’abitazione del ragazzo palestinese ucciso la mattina, come misura di “punizione collettiva”. I militari sono stati fermati dalla popolazione palestinese. Gli abitanti di Yatta infatti, hanno bloccato gli accessi alla città con dei roadblocks.

Operation Dove concern about the ongoing escalation of violence in the West Bank

ottobre 6, 2015 at 12:45 pm


Tension increased up to the South Hebron Hills: several attacks against Palestinians

(italian follows)

Tensions between Palestinians and Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank have soared in recent days after two Israeli settlers were shot dead near Nablus on Thursday October 1 by suspected Palestinian attackers. Since the shootings, there has been an upsurge of settler attacks against Palestinian people and their property.

Clashes have erupted across the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as a result of ongoing confrontations between Palestinians and Israeli forces at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound. Palestinians religious authority claim that the continuos and repeated settler’s tours on the al-Aqsa mosque are provocating and violating the sacratility of one of the most important places for the muslims worshippers.

Israeli police says they are restricting access to the Old City of Jerusalem aftera Palestinian man killed two Israelis in the historic neighborhood.Only Israeli citizens, Old City residents, tourists, businesspeople working in the area and students studying there will be allowed to enter, police said in a statement Sunday.

A large number of Israeli settler attacks were reported across South Hebron Hills area during the weekend.

On October 3 at around 10 pm a group of settlers were reported to have stormed al-Birkeh (nearby Yatta), and assaulted an unarmed elderly Palestinian park guard (65 years old), locals said.

On October 3 at night, as Maan News reported, a group of settlers smashed the windows of a car belonging to a Palestinian doctor, Imad Abu Iram, near the village of Zif, south of Hebron.

On October 4, at about 2 am, Israeli settlers attacked the Palestinian village of As-Seefer. After having teared down the fence dividing the village from the settlement of Metzadot Yehuda which surround the palestinian village, the settlers started throwing stones to houses. The attack in the middle of the night scared all families living there and damaged a car, an aluminum canopy and solar panels. Children of As-Seefer, the day after the attack, were too afraid to cross the checkpoint to go to school, and decided to stay at home.

In the early morning of October 4, settlers from Mitzpe Yair illegal outpost closed the road from Birr al Idd to Jinba with a roadblock preventing Palestinian teachers to arrive on time to Jinba school.

On Monday October 5 in order to re-open the road,Palestinians and Ta’ayush Israeli activists removed the roadblock.

On October 5 in At-Tuwani village an army jeep entered the village at 11.25 p.m. and threw 4 stun granades between the houses scaring Palestinians in the middle of the night.

On Thursday October 6, at around 2:00 a.m. settlers raided the village of As-Sefeer for the second time in three days. Settlers threw stones against houses and families, injuring one children of 12 years old from the Abu Qpeita’s family. Settlers also damaged again the solar panels of the village. The injured children was took to Yatta hospital.


OD is registering a very fast escalation of settlers and Israeli military violence in all the West Bank.

This violence against Palestinian civil population cannot be considered as a “war against terrorism” neither cannot be justified with Israeli security needs, but is the direct consequence of the Israeli Occupation plan. 

OD looks at the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza siege, with its continuing settlement expansion and military repression, as the frame which this escalation is developing in.

OD rejects any kind of violence and recourse to weapon and, at the same time, recognizes the right for Palestinian people to resist.

OD is accompanying and supporting the palestinian nonviolent popular struggle.

OD has maintained an international presence in At-Tuwani and the South Hebron Hills since 2004.


Link to Photos : http://goo.gl/KkduWy


Operazione Colomba esprime preoccupazione per la continua escalation di violenza in Cisgiordania

Sale la tensione nelle Colline a Sud di Hebron : diversi gli attacchi ai danni dei Palestinesi

Le tensioni tra palestinesi e coloni israeliani si sono acuite negli ultimi giorni dopo che 2 coloni sono stati uccisi vicino Nablus giovedì 1 Ottobre in un attacco di cui sono sospettati i palestinesi. Da quel momento si è verificato un massiccio incremento di attacchi dei coloni contro la popolazione civile palestinese e le proprietà.

Gli scontri sono scoppiati in tutta la Cisgiordania, Gerusalemme Est compresa, come risultato del continuo confronto tra palestinesi e militari israeliani per il complesso della Moschea di Al-Aqsa. Le autorità religiose palestinesi recriminano per i continui e ripetuti tour dei coloni nella moschea di Al-Aqsa che sono stati percepiti come una provocazione e hanno violato la sacralità di uno dei luoghi più importanti per i fedeli mussulmani.

La polizia sraeliana comunica che le restrizioni all’accesso nella Città Vecchia di Gerusalemme sono dovute all’omicidio di due israeliani per mano di un palestinese avvenuto nel centro storico.

Solo i cittadini israeliani, i residenti della Città Vecchia, i turisti, gli uomini d’affari che lavorano nell’area e gli studenti che vi studiano hanno il permesso di entrarvi, come riferito domenica da un comunicato della polizia.

Operazione Colomba ha registrato diversi attacchi nell’area delle colline a Sud di Hebron.

Nella notte di sabato 3 ottobre, attorno alle 22:00 un gruppo di coloni dopo essere entrato nel villaggio di Al Birkeh (vicino alla città di Yatta), ha attaccato la guardia anziana disarmata (65 anni) del parco del villagio, come riportano i locali.

Sempre nella notte di sabato 3 ottobre un gruppo di coloni ha distrutto i vetri della macchina del dottor Imad Abu Iram, nella cittadina di Ziff, situata a sud di Hebron.

Domenica mattina 4 ottobre attorno alle 2 del mattino, coloni israeliani hanno attaccato il villaggio di As Seefer. dopo aver abbattuto la rete che divide il villaggio dalla colonia di Metzadot Yehuda(che circonda il villaggio palestinese), i coloni hanno iniziato a lanciare pietre contro le case e le tende. L’attacco, avvenuto a notte fonda, ha terrorizzato gli abitanti di As Seefer e ha portato al danneggiamento di una macchina, due pannelli solari e una tettoia. I bambini di As Seefer , il giorno seguente l’attacco , erano troppo spaventati di attraversare il checkpoint per raggiungere la scuola e hanno deciso di rimanere a casa.

La mattina presto sempre del 4 ottobre, i coloni dell’avamposto illegale di Mitzpe Yair hanno bloccato la strada che connette Birr al Idd con Jinba con un roadblock, impedendo agli insegnanti palestinesi provenienti dalla città di Yatta di raggiungere la scuola di Jinba in tempo.

La mattina del 5 ottobre per riaprire la suddetta strada, palestinesi e attivisti del gruppo Ta’ayush hanno rimosso il roadblock.

Attorno alle ore 23:25 del 5 ottobre , una jeep militare israeliana è entrata nel villaggio di At-Tuwani e ha lanciato 4 granate assordanti, terrorizzando i palestinesi nel cuore della notte.

Attorno alle ore 02:00 del 6 ottobre un gruppo di coloni ha compiuto un raid nel villaggio di As Seefer per la seconda volta in due giorni. I coloni hanno tirato pietre contro case e famiglie che dormivano all’aperto, ferendo un bambino di 12 anni della famiglia Abu Qpeita. il bambino è stato trasportato dalla famiglia all’ospedale di Yatta.


Operazione Colomba sta registrando una rapida escalation della violenza militare e dei coloni in Cisgiordania. 

Questa violenza contro la popolazione civile palestinese non può essere considerata come guerra al terrorismo, né giustificata da ragioni di sicurezza per Israele, ma è la diretta conseguenza del piano di occupazione israeliano.

Operazione Colomba identifica nell’occupazione della Cisgiordania e dall’assedio della striscia di Gaza come la cornice in cui questa escalation si sta sviluppando. 

Operazione Colomba oltre a rigettare la violenza e l’uso delle armi riconosce il diritto del popolo palestinese alla resistenza, rimanendo accanto e supportando chi come nei villaggi delle colline a sud di Hebron ha intrapreso un cammino di lotta popolare nonviolenta.

Link alle foto :  http://goo.gl/KkduWy