P/R: Settlers “price tag” attack and IDF demolitions in the South Hebron Hills

dicembre 31, 2014 at 10:00 pm

Israeli settlers burn a house in Ad-Deirat. Israeli forces demolish a tent in Al-Mufaqarah.

(Italian follows)

December 31, 2014

At-Tuwani – On December 31, at about 3:00 am, Israeli settlers attacked a Palestinian house in the South Hebron hills village of Ad-Deirat. In the same day, at about 12:50 pm, Israeli forces demolished a tent in the village of Al-Mufaqarah.

As witnessed by Palestinians, at about 3:00 am two settlers wrote with black spray near the front door of a Palestinian’s house in the village of Ad-Deirat a sentence, in which is recognizable only the word: “revenge“. Then, settlers broke a window and threw a molotov cocktail inside the house. The molotov cocktail damaged furniture and the television, but didn’t injure any Palestinian living in the house as they were all sleeping in another room.

In the same day, at about 12:50 pm, Israeli forces demolished a tent and a cement base for a tent, both belonging to a Palestinian family, in the village of Al-Mufaqarah. The tent was a storage of food for the sheep and for the wood used by the family to protect itself from the winter cold.

Palestinians in South Hebron hills have suffered the Israeli settlers’ presence since the 70s. The settlers, occupying Palestinian-owned lands, deprive the Palestinians of their main livelihood. Moreover the settlers, with their ongoing violence, prevent Palestinians from having a regular daily life and restrict their freedom of movement, thus forcing them to leave the South Hebron hills area.

Ad-Deirat and Al-Mufaqarah villages are located in Area C, under Israeli military and administrative control. That means that all the constructions must be approved by the Israeli administration. Israel denies Palestinians the right to build on the 70 percent of Area C, which is about the 44 percent of all the West Bank, while within the remaining 30 percent a series of restrictions are applied in order to prevent Palestinians from obtaining building permits (source: OCHA oPt).

Nevertheless the Palestinian communities of the South Hebron Hills area are still strongly committed to nonviolent popular resistance against the Israeli occupation.

Operation Dove has maintained an international presence in At-Tuwani and the South Hebron Hills since 2004.

Pictures of the settlers ’price tag’ attack in Ad-Deirat: http://goo.gl/hrU4RJ

Video of the demolition in Al-Mufaqarah: http://youtu.be/Veht8zZuCfY

[Note: According to the Fourth Geneva Convention, the Hague Regulations, the International Court of Justice, and several United Nations resolutions, all Israeli settlements and outposts in the Occupied Palestinian Territories are illegal. Most settlement outposts, including Havat Ma’on (Hill 833), are considered illegal also under Israeli law.]



dicembre 15, 2014 at 7:24 pm

On November 2014, the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII decided to join the BDS campaign launched in 2005 with an appeal signed by 171 Palestinian civil society organizations. It is a global campaign for Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions (BDS) direct to Israel to ensure that certain obligations are complied with, according to International law. These obligations are:

– to end the occupation and colonization of all Arab territories occupied in June 1967, and to dismantle the separation wall;

– to recognize the fundamental Right to equality of all Israeli Arab-Palestinian citizens;

– to respect, protect and promote the Right of Palestinian refugees to return to their houses and their properties, as established by UN Resolution 194.

The Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII endorsed the appeal coming from Palestinian civil society, committing to share information (through Operazione Colomba/Operation Dove) about every campaign as Stop That Train, Stop Sodastream, Stop Agrexco, Cartellino rosso all’apartheid israeliana, BDS Armamenti, No Acea Mekerot.

More info at:





La Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII aderisce alla campagna BDS

Nel mese di novembre la Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII ha deciso di aderire alla campagna BDS. Avviata nel 2005 con un appello sottoscritto da 171 organizzazioni della società civile palestinese, è una campagna globale di Boicottaggio, Disinvestimento e Sanzioni (BDS) dirette allo Stato di Israele affinché rispetti determinati obblighi derivanti dal Diritto Internazionale e precisamente:

– terminare l’occupazione e la colonizzazione di tutte le terre arabe occupate nel giugno 1967 e smantellare il muro di separazione;

– riconoscere il Diritto fondamentale dei cittadini arabo-palestinesi di Israele alla piena uguaglianza;

– rispettare, tutelare e promuovere il Diritto dei rifugiati palestinesi di ritornare alle proprie case e proprietà come stabilito dalla risoluzione ONU 194.

La Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII ha aderito all’appello della società civile palestinese, impegnandosi a dare informazioni (attraverso Operazione Colomba) su ogni singola campagna, come Stop That Train, Stop Sodastream, Stop Agrexco, Cartellino rosso all’apartheid israeliana, BDS Armamenti, No Acea Mekerot.

Maggiori info:




Update: Ongoing re-building works in the Bedouin village of Um Al Kher, in the South Hebron Hills

dicembre 13, 2014 at 12:37 pm

After the Israeli army carried on several demolitions in the Bedouin village of Um Al Kher during the months of October and November, Palestinian inhabitants together with Israeli activists and supported by several International NGOs are now building new structures.

The European Union provided three tin-plated shelters to be used as houses, through the program “Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection”. Palestinians together with Israeli activists rebuilt the traditional oven for the third time, after it was recently illegally demolished once again; worked on an old well that can now provide water to the village through pumps; built a dirt patch that leads to the above-mentioned well.

On November 19 the DCO issued demolition orders for the three tin-plated shelters. Nevertheless Palestinian inhabitants of Um Al Kher are still strongly committed to the nonviolent popular resistance as a way of defending their right to live on their own land.

The well recently improved with water pumps.

The well recently improved with water pumps.

Palestinians and Israeli activists work at the new dirt-patch on December 13.

Palestinians and Israeli activists work at the new dirt-patch on December 13.

One of three new tin-plated shelters recently provided by the European Union and already under demolition order.

One of three new tin-plated shelters recently provided by the European Union and already under demolition order.


In corso i lavori di ricostruzione nel villaggio beduino di Um Al Kher, nelle colline a sud di Hebron.

Dopo le varie demolizioni effettuate dall’esercito israeliano nei mesi di ottobre e novembre nel villaggio beduino di Um Al Kher, gli abitanti palestinesi stanno ora costruendo nuove strutture con l’aiuto di attivisti israeliani e il supporto di varie ONG internazionali.

L’Unione Europea, attraverso il programma “Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection”, ha fornito al villaggio tre case di lamiera. Palestinesi e attivisti israeliani hanno ricostruito il taboon, forno tradizionale, per la terza volta dopo che era stato illegalmente nuovamente demolito di recente; hanno apportato migliorie ad un vecchio pozzo che ora fornisce acqua al villaggio tramite tubature; costruito una strada sterrata che porta al suddetto pozzo.

Il 19 novembre la DCO (District Cordination Office, una branca dell’esercito israeliano che si occupa dell’amministrazione civile nei territori occupati palestinesi) ha emesso ordini di demolizione per le tre case di lamiera. Nonostante questo, gli abitanti palestinesi di Um Al Kher sono fermamente impegnati nella resistenza popolare nonviolenta quale via per affermare il proprio diritto a vivere sulla propria terra.



Haaretz: Goal of Bedouin relocation: To expel as many Palestinians from their land as possible

dicembre 12, 2014 at 4:27 pm

(Italian translation follows)

Forced relocation plan decrees overcrowding for West Bank Bedouin. Nearby Jewish settlements, meanwhile, sprawl free.

Pages upon pages came out of the fax machine at the Civil Administration’s Central Planning Bureau last week. They contained objections to the establishment of a Bedouin township to be named Talet Nueima (in Hebrew, Ramat Nueima) north of Jericho, which is slated for 12,500 people. This comes on top of objections sent in by registered mail and email.

The Civil Administration subcommittee that deals with such objections will have to read more than 200 objections. Opponents of the plan include Bedouin from the Kaabneh and Jahalin tribes, whom the Civil Administration plans to expel from their homes and resettle in the township together with the Rashaida tribe which is already based in the area. Jericho and nearby Palestinian villages object to the plan as well.

The objectors are represented by the Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center; Bimkom – Planners for Planning Rights; the Association for Civil Rights in Israel; and attorneys Sliman Shahin, Basem Karajeh, Tawfek Jabarin and Shlomo Lecker.

An oft-repeated objection is that the Civil Administration drafted the Talet Nueima plan without consulting the Bedouin or the Palestinian communities in the area, and without taking their needs into consideration.

Dozens of private individuals and activists in Israel/Palestine and abroad have also sent in standard objections to the plan.

The Hebrew standard objection states, among other things, that: “The plan disregards the cultural characteristics of Bedouin society – including the division of the family complex, to which entrance is highly restricted.” The objections note that the families “take great care to guard their privacy, and the privacy of women in particular.”

According to this argument: “Allowing this part of their culture to exist requires spatial planning that completely contradicts what the plan contains. Instead of small two-family lots of a half dunam each, the lots must be much larger and include a residential portion alongside a large area that will let family members keep their flocks near their places of residence.” This means at least three dunams (0.7 acres), instead of a quarter dunam, per family.

The plan was preceded by the state’s decades-old policy of uprooting the Bedouin in the West Bank (most of them refugees expelled from the Negev after 1948) by reducing the space available to them, demolishing their shacks and blocking their access to water and markets. The Civil Administration even considers the tarps that protect them from the rain illegal construction and confiscates them.

To solve the problem of the Bedouin’s subhuman living conditions, which as everybody knows came out of the blue, along comes the compassionate Talet Nueima plan (which is comprised of four detailed master plans and two additional plans for roads).

In a letter to attorney Shlomo Lecker, Capt. Yaniv Ya’ari, a consulting officer in the military legal adviser’s office in the West Bank, wrote: “The plan … was prepared to create a suitable planning solution that took the population’s needs into account … in accordance with proper planning principles …. Contrary to your claim, several meetings and hearings have taken place in recent years in which your clients and you were given full opportunity to have your say to present alternative solutions for the area’s inhabitants – the members of the Bedouin population.

According to Ya’ari, “As far as we are concerned, the fact that these talks did not result in agreements is no indication of unwillingness to include the community in the planning process, but only of the regional authorities’ position that the rationale and planning of the proposed programs was preferable to those that you proposed.”

The objection by Bimkom reveals significant shortcomings in planning (on top of the original sin of forced relocation).

It’s possible these shortcomings are innocent mistakes – such as the assumption that the Bedouin’s basic organizational unit is the nuclear, not the extended family, or that the size of the average Bedouin nuclear family is 5.6 people, not the actual 7.1. It’s also possible that because of human error, there are crude discrepancies in the various parts of the plan, which also includes the demolition of already-existing homes of the Rashaida tribe.

Update: School patrol military escort delays twice this week.

dicembre 10, 2014 at 9:25 am

School patrol military escort delays twice this week.

At Tuwani, December 10 – On December 8 the military escort arrived at the meeting point at 8:16 am and on December 10 at 8:28 am. The Israeli soldiers are supposed to be at the meeting point at 7:30 am and wait for the Palestinian children from Tuba and Maghayir Al Abeed villages (South Hebron Hills) to arrive, in order to safely accompany them to school in At Tuwani village for the all path. The arranged meeting point is a very dangerous spot, attached to Ma’on Israeli settlement’s chicken barns and just a few meters away from Havat Ma’on Israeli illegal outpost. In Havat Ma’on violent national-religious Israeli settlers live, the ones from whom Palestinian children need protection in order to reach the school as safely as possible.

From the beginning of the school year the military escort arrived late in 5 of the total mornings, therefore children missed a total of more than 2 hours of school.

On December 10, while waiting the escort to arrive, Palestinian children were verbally harassed by Israeli settlers from Havat Ma’on Israeli illegal outpost who shouted to them.

2014 is the tenth year since when in 2004, after several settler violent attacks toward Palestinian children and International volunteers, the DCO issued a verbal order for a daily escort of the schoolchildren; the Israeli Knesset Committee for Children’s Rights later confirmed this order. According to the initial agreement between DCO and the major of At Tuwani, Palestinian children must use the shortest route to reach the school (about 2.5 km from Tuba and Maghayir Al Abeed). The shortest route is the road that passes between the land where the Israeli settlement of Ma’on sits from 1982 and the Hill 833, where in 2001 the outpost of Havat Ma’on was built. This is the only viable road between Tuba and At Tuwani, after 2001 settler violence became so intense that it deterred Palestinians from using it.

Since 2004 International volunteers have monitored every day the Israeli military escort and have registered several misconducts: lack of punctuality, refusal to walk with the children, refusal to complete the escort, negligence in protecting the children in case of harassments from the settlers. Also, when the military escort doesn’t come Palestinian children have to walk through a longer (about one and half hour) and still dangerous way, very close to Havat Ma’on.

10 Palestinian schoolchildren from Tuba waiting for the military escort to arrive at the arranged meeting point. Behind them there is Ma'on Israeli settlement and in front of them Havat Ma'on Israeli illegal outpost.

10 Palestinian schoolchildren from Tuba waiting for the military escort to arrive at the arranged meeting point. Behind them there is Ma’on Israeli settlement and in front of them Havat Ma’on Israeli illegal outpost.

Havat Ma'on Israeli illegal outpost was built in 2001 on "Tel Abu Jundyia" Palestinian owned land, also called Hill 833.

Havat Ma’on Israeli illegal outpost was built in 2001 on “Tel Abu Jundyia” Palestinian owned land, also called Hill 833.

La scorta militare israeliana per gli studenti palestinesi arriva in ritardo due volte questa settimana.

At Tuwani, 10 dicembre – Il giorno 8 dicembre la scorta militare è arrivata al punto d’incontro alle 8:16 e il giorno 10 dicembre alle 8:28. I soldati israeliani dovrebbero trovarsi al punto d’incontro concordato alle 7:30 e aspettare che i bambini palestinesi dei villaggi di Tuba e Maghyir Al Abeed (colline a sud di Hebron) arrivino, così da poterli scortare a scuola nel villaggio di At Tuwani per tutto il percorso. Il punto d’incontro concordato è un posto pericoloso, adiacente le stalle dei polli della colonia israeliana di Ma’on e a pochi metri di distanza dall’avamposto israeliano illegale di Havat Ma’on. Nell’avamposto di Havat Ma’on vivono violenti coloni nazional–religiosi, a causa di questi ultimi i bambini palestinesi hanno bisogno di protezione per arrivare a scuola nel modo più sicuro possibile.

Dall’inizio dell’anno scolastico la scorta militare è arrivata in ritardo in 5 mattine, questo ha fatto si che i bambini perdessero un totale di più di 2 ore di scuola.

Il 10 dicembre, mentre aspettavano la scorta, i bambini sono stati verbalmente attaccati con urla e fischi dai coloni dell’avamposto israeliano illegale di Havat Ma’on.

Il 2014 è il decimo anno da quando nel 2004, dopo ripetuti atti di violenza dei coloni verso bambini palestinesi e volontari internazionali, la DCO (District Coordination Office, una branca dell’esercito israeliano che si occupa dell’amministrazione civile dei territori occupati palestinesi) ha emesso un ordine verbale per la presenza di una scorta che accompagnasse gli studenti; poco dopo la Commissione per i Diritti dei Bambini del Parlamento Israeliano ha confermato l’ordine. Stando ad un accordo iniziale tra la DCO ed il sindaco di At Tuwani, i bambini palestinesi devono usare la via più breve per raggiungere la scuola (circa 2,5 km da Tuba e Maghayir Al Abeed). La via più breve è la strada che passa in mezzo alla terra su cui dal 1982 si trova la colonia israeliana di Ma’on e la Hill 833, collina sulla quale nel 2001 è stato costruito l’avamposto israeliano illegale di Havat Ma’on. Questa è l’unica strada percorribile tra Tuba ed At Tuwani, dal 2001 la violenza dei coloni l’ha resa impraticabile ai palestinesi.

Volontari internazionali monitorano la scorta militare ogni giorno dal 2004, e da allora registrano diverse mancanze: mancanza di puntualità, rifiuto di camminare con i bambini, rifiuto di completare il percorso, negligenza nel proteggere i bambini in caso di violenza da parte dei coloni. In più, quando la scorta militare non si presenta, i bambini palestinesi devono percorrere una strada più lunga (che gli richiede circa 1 ora e mezza) e comunque pericolosa, molto vicina ad Havat Ma’on.

IDF earmarking West Bank firing zones for settler expansion, figures show

dicembre 9, 2014 at 4:15 pm

Haaretz, by Chaim Levinson Dec. 9, 2014

Settlement analyst says the areas marked are in the Jordan Valley or near settlements; Civil Administration calls claims baseless


The Civil Administration has in recent years earmarked 35,000 dunams (8,650 acres) of land currently defined as military firing zones to expand settlements and outposts, according to a settlement-tracking researcher’s analysis of its figures.

Dror Etkes has analyzed the extensive geographical information in the hands of the Civil Administration and says it shows that the administration has been surveying and mapping the old state lands recently, although these are firing zones. Since 1999, a Civil Administration team – known as the “blue line team” – has been using advanced digital methods to reaffirm the boundaries of the state lands. So far, 260,000 dunams have been mapped throughout the West Bank – 35,000 dunams of which are in firing zones.


Plowing season 2014

dicembre 7, 2014 at 8:47 am

Despite the ongoing expansions of Israeli illegal outposts and the restrictions on accessing Palestinian owned lands inflicted by the Israeli civil administration, Palestinians successfully plowed their lands in the South Hebron Hills.

During the last few weeks Palestinian families gathered on their own lands to plow with tractors or donkeys. Palestinians from At Tuwani and Tuba villages plowed the lands surrounding Havat Ma’on Israeli illegal outpost, that during the month of November expanded with 25 iron pylons hammered in the ground rounding the border of the outpost.

Palestinians from Al Mufaqarah plowed the lands nearby Avigayil Israeli illegal outpost. On December 3, Israeli soldiers came twice toward the Palestinians and prevented them from working saying they were not allowed to plow that land. Palestinians asked Israeli soldiers to call the DCO and check their right to plow there. When DCO arrived on the place, Palestinians could prove they were allowed to work. On December 4, Israeli soldiers again came on the place and argued with International volunteers on the right of Palestinians to work the same land, but Palestinians kept on working without stopping for the presence of the army.

Palestinians from Jawwaya village had to wait the permission of the DCO in order to plow the land in front of Ma’on Israeli settlement’s entrance. That Palestinian owned land was declared a closed military area by the Israeli army on the spring of 2013 after different episodes of violence perpetuated by Israeli settlers toward Palestinians . On December 3, Palestinians could plow while Israeli soldiers and DCO officers monitored the all work.

“Plowing our own lands despite the violent policies of the Israeli civil administration, aimed to prevent us from accessing our basic resources, is an act of resistance in this area” says a member of the South Hebron Hills Popular Committee.

Palestinians plowing nearby Havat Ma'on illegal Israeli outpost on November 21.

Palestinians plowing nearby Havat Ma’on illegal Israeli outpost on November 21.

Palestinians plowing in front of Ma'on Israeli settlement's entrance, on December 3.

Palestinians plowing in front of Ma’on Israeli settlement’s entrance, on December 3.

Stagione della semina 2014

I palestinesi delle colline a sud di Hebron sono riusciti a coltivare le proprie terre nonostante continui lavori di espansione degli avamposti illegali israeliani e le restrizioni sull’accesso alla terra inflitte dall’amministrazione civile israeliana dei territori occupati.

Nelle ultime settimane famiglie palestinesi si sono riunite per coltivare le proprie terre usando aratri trainati da trattori o asini. Palestinesi dei villaggi di At Tuwani e Tuba hanno seminato sulle terre circostanti l’avamposto israeliano illegale di Havat Ma’on, che durante il mese di novembre si è aspanso con 25 pali di ferro piantati attorno i confini dell’avamposto.

Palestinesi di Al Mufaqarah hanno coltivato le terre adiacenti l’avamposto israeliano illlegale di Avigayil. Il 3 dicembre soldati israeliani per due volte si sono avvicinati ai palestinesi impedendogli di lavorare, dicendogli che non avevano il permesso di coltivare quella terra. I palestinesi hanno chiesto che venisse chiamata la DCO (District Coordination Office) per dimostrare il proprio diritto di coltivare la suddetta terra. Arrivata sul posto la DCO, i palestinesi hanno potuto provare il loro diritto a lavorare la propria terra. Il 4 dicembre, soldati israeliani sono tornati sul posto e hanno discusso con i volontari internazionali presenti riguardo al diritto dei palestinesi di coltivare quella terra, i palestinesi hanno continuato ad arare senza fermarsi nonostante la presenza dell’esercito.

Palestinesi del villaggio di Jawwaya hanno dovuto aspettare il permesso della DCO per coltivare la terra di fronte all’entrata della colonia israeliana di Ma’on. Quella terra di proprietà palestinese è stata dichiarata un’area militare chiusa dall’esercito israeliano nella primavera del 2013, dopo diversi episodi di violenza perpetuati sui palestinesi da coloni israeliani di Ma’on. Il 3 dicembre, i palestinesi hanno potuto seminare mentre soldati e ufficiali della DCO hanno monitorato i lavori.

“Coltivare la nostra terra nonostante le violente politiche dell’Amministrazione civile israeliana, che puntano a negarci l’accesso alle risorse essenziali, è un atto di resistenza in quest’area” dice un membro del Comitato Popolare delle Colline a Sud di Hebron.